Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've started this blog as a way for current students, their parents, my co-workers and administrators to have a window into my classroom. It isn't a platform to highlight my personal views or ideas.  I want it to be a place for students to be able to review what we've covered, have a place where they can share that information with their parents, and as a passive way for parents to be able to keep abreast with what we're doing. I hope that this becomes the helpful teaching tool that I want it to be. I believe for that to happen, though, I will need the help of current and former students, parents, co-workers, and administrators. This blog will only be useful, if it's used. So, here's to something new, to high hopes, and to those that matter most--my students.


  1. That's very nice of you Mrs.Cain! You are missed.

  2. and that's so sweet of you to say.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wish I could go back to Hester...
